A true-crime classic, it exposes the envied lives of the rich and beautiful, and brilliantly illuminates the darkest corners of the American Dream. Savage Grace unfolds against a glamorous international background (New York, London, Paris, Italy, Spain) features a nonpareil cast of characters (including Salvador Dalí, James Jones, the Astors, the Vanderbilts, and European nobility) and tells the doomed Baekelands' story through remarkably candid interviews, private letters, and diaries, not to mention confidential hospital, State Department, and prison documents. Savage Grace unfolds against a glamorous international b Alternately neglected and smothered by his parents, he was finally driven to destroy the whole family in a violent chain of events. A spellbinding tale of money and madness, incest and matricide, Savage Grace is the saga of Brooks and Barbara Baekeland beautiful, rich, worldly and their handsome, gentle son, Tony.